Thursday, 23 June 2011

TV: Mr T's World's Craziest Fools

Maybe the money is running out...  Maybe it's not...  Mr T is certainly getting about a bit recently, whether in Snickers ads or hosting his excellent new show World's Craziest Fools.

The only two words I could consider really describing this show as are ridiculous and hilarious.  It's like watching You've Been Framed without really knowing if they'll show that guys leg break when he's showing off trying to snap a wooden beam by kicking it with his shin (the leg didn't break but then neither did the wood).  Or are we about to see someone plummet to their untimely death when their parachute gets caught on the plane and they're left hanging at too-many-thousand-feet (we don't).

You could find Mr T's constant, well known catchphrases a bit forced to begin with and they may wear a little thin.  We know you ain't getting on no plane (sucka) etc etc, but such is the nature of a show called World's Craziest Fools.  If he didn't keep his character going then it would just be World's Funniest... And we all know that whether it's animals, holiday videos or DIY disasters they are rarely actually the world's funniest.

But Craziest Fools doesn't just aim to be funny.  Oh no, this is a deep and multifaceted program.  Mr T also aims to shock.  Going back to You've Been Framed on this one.  A few years ago on YBF you could watch the clips safe in the knowledge that no one really gets hurt.  Now you watch it and there may be injury but everyone walks away, "Haha, I smashed my face in a tree, isn't that funny".  Not often do you sit watching a man struggle to hobble away after falling through the ceiling of a shop he's trying to rob thinking, "He's definitely broken his leg there".  But secretly, the dark part of your mind is thinking that actually he deserves it.  

Clip that made me gasp the most - the man with the nearest and luckiest escape I've ever seen.  He walks in from his car to a shop, pauses to put something in a bin.  He steps through the shop door off of the pavement just as a 4x4 loses control, drives up the path at high speed, smashes through the bin and hits a pole behind the lucky - and shocked - pedestrian.

So, yes, very funny - Crazy Fools, Mr T and all that.  But if you like YBF and you're not ten you're probably going to enjoy Craziest Fools.  Actually, you'd probably like it if you're ten.  Probably more so.  If you like YBF and you are aged ten, you'll LOVE Craziest Fools. 

You can still watch Episode 2 on the iPlayer but only for 3 more days!!!

Craziest Fools is broadcast on BBC3, Mondays at 10:30 p.m.