Monday, 28 May 2012

Music: Hadouken - Parasite

So, here's how this will go.  Dub fans will tell me its terrible dub.  Drum and Bass fans will say it's terrible D&B.  And you'll both tell me it's all be done before.  But I don't even care because the hardened Hadouken fans will back me up I'm sure.

The bands that are successful are those that progress and stay ahead of the times - or at least keep up - but retain their sense of self.  They have a particular sound, whether it's their style or their voice, that can be applied to any track and you'll always hear it and know who it is.  Think through the most successful acts: Madonna, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Muse (OK they're along a different line to the others but it still applies).  Hadouken always seem to manage the same, and it's only to their credit.

Their blend of a million and one genres always manage to keep a certain... Hadoukeness that makes them unique.  With a new single soon to be released, Hadouken have given us a little taster of what's to come.  If you're quick you can download it for free by following this link.  Alternatively, you can buy it from iTunes bundled with some remixes (or have a listen below):

Listen to more Hadouken at Soundcloud!!

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